
Hyundai is Pushing Innovation to Modernize Manufacturing

Asia Manufacturing Review Team | Friday, 29 March 2024

 Asia Manufacturing Review Team

The modern automobile is sometimes described as a smartphone on wheels, but what about the factories that produce them? These production facilities are becoming smart factories owing to modern technology, particularly AI and machine learning, which is also helping cars become smarter. This includes increasing productivity, accelerating the release of new products, cutting costs, and decreasing mistakes.

Hyundai Motor India's Gopala Krishnan C S, CMO, discusses in an exclusive interview with Financial Express Online how using digital solutions is assisting in "reducing the defects and the time to launch new products."

He described how the inspection time and staff tiredness had decreased because to the digital deep learning based vision scanning technology. Using a final assembly stage as an example, he said that, in the past, the operator had to manually inspect more than thirty pieces one at a time and recall specifications according to models and variations one by one. "Verifying the code used to be a time-consuming and laborious exercise," they were required to do.

He explained how the digital deep learning based -vision scanning system has cut down on inspection barcode of the specific car over the whole outside surface of the vehicle so they can verify nearly thirty plus parts - availability, specifications, color, and other specifications; all of this helps us to improve the quality to shorten launch times and increase productivity in this way.

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