The X-ray generator manufacturer, Spellman, will set up its first manufacturing unit in the Andhra Pradesh MedTech Zone. It is capitalizing on the growth in the medical technology sector of India but at the same time consolidates the Andhra Pradesh MedTech Zone as a healthcare technology innovation hub.
Founded in the year 1947, Spellman is a world-class partner to North American Original Equipment Manufacturers in Europe and Asia with applications in medical, industrial, and scientific pursuits. The inauguration included the Bhoomi Poojan ceremony at the AMTZ facilities, to which top management from Spellman participated: Stephanie (China), Robert J. Frankland, VP of Sales (USA), and Arindam Bose (India).
Dr Jitendra Sharma, MD and Founder & CEO of AMTZ underscored the importance of this collaboration, stating, “Spellman’s entry into the MedTech Zone marks a major milestone for India’s med-tech landscape. Their advanced X-ray technology will foster innovation and help make healthcare solutions more affordable and accessible.”
The new manufacturing facility will be producing high-precision X-ray generators to upgrade the medical technology capabilities of India. With over 2,100 employees in several countries worldwide, Spellman shows interest in growth, partnerships, and learning within the region.
Spellman High Voltage Electronics Corporation is a manufacturing and engineering firm. This firm mainly specializes in the manufacture of high-voltage power supplies, X-ray generators, and Monoblock X-ray sources. At the corporate level, this firm is located in Hauppauge, New York. Various plants worldwide produce their products, famous for accuracy and dependability at high-performance levels. This would firmly position AMTZ as a gateway destination for such global healthcare equipment manufacturing and place India on the international med-tech map.