
Quantum Computers Now a Reality, Developed by Fujitsu and Riken

Asia Manufacturing Review Team | Thursday, 05 October 2023

 Asia Manufacturing Review Team

On Oct 4, Fujitsu and Riken announced the successful development of Japan's second quantum computer, as part of global research efforts to commercialise the nascent technology. The 64 qubit quantum computer from Fujitsu and state-backed Riken will be integrated with a 40 qubit quantum computer simulator as researchers work to eliminate the errors that prevent such systems from producing accurate results.

"It's kind of a first or second step, we still have a long way to go," said Shintaro Sato, director of Fujitsu's quantum laboratory.

Governments and corporations such as IBM and Alphabet are investing in research for quantum computers, which have the potential to be millions of times faster than the fastest supercomputers.

Last year, IBM unveiled a 433-qubit quantum computer. Qubits, or quantum bits, are units of measurement for quantum computers that use quantum mechanics.

China, the United States, and other industrial democracies are racing to be first in advanced technology, including quantum computing, with President Joe Biden attempting to stymie some American investment in Chinese efforts to develop the technology.

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